Hi! My name is Trevin Jones. I am currently a computer science major at Brigham Young University-Idaho. I love developing software and scripts. I’ve recently found myself exploring everything to do with generative AI. One of my personal projects with AI is live at ethanturing.trevinjones.com! It’s a simple sort of proof of concept. It’s a totally automated script to use GPT-3.5 turbo to write interesting articles on tech. It doesn’t currently pull information from the web, because I don’t want to mess with any possible copyright issues. I also have been playing around with stable-diffusion locally on my desktop. I love how Stability AI releases so many models under open source licenses, and I enjoy keeping up to date with their releases.

I am a big fan of open source projects. There’s nothing cooler than having freedom with the software on your computer. You can make changes as you need, you don’t have to pay a cent (nice!), and you can even contribute to the codebase. FOSS is awesome.

I decided to start this site for fun. I recently had to purchase a domain for a university assignment, and I went with my name dot com. I figured I’d love to make some use of it, so I dove a little deeper into GitHub pages and Jekyll, both of which I have used before. I found Beautiful Jekyll and realized how versatile GH pages and Jekyll can really be. I’m not a fan of the tedium that is HTML and CSS, so I’m very happy I can write in markdown.

On this website, you’ll be able to find some information on some of my personal projects. I’ll also occasionally make fun posts about whatever I feel like at the moment. That will probably include things like what I’m working on, some things I think are cool, etc.

I’m definitely not a natural-born writer, so don’t expect top notch literature, but I’m going to have fun with this. Thanks for checking my site out!